Monday, September 10, 2012

Aussie Hero Quilts

Is a blog spot that I just found.  What an inspiration and such a great way to let our armed services personnel overseas know that we here appreciate their efforts.

Looks like I know have another reason to go thru my stash and start making laundry bags and quilts.

If any of you readers care to help, please check out the blog and make some bags or quilts to be sent.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Joy

    I have come over from Rhonda's blog for a squizzy. I have had a good read of the AHQ site and think it is a fantastic thing.

    I am not a very good sewer and certainly not a quilter but I do think I might be able to manage a laundry bag or two - and I think sending Spotlight cards to AHQ is a good idea too so fabric etc can be bought.

    I'll let you know when I get a bag done!

    Cheers - Joolz


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